Main Application Screen

View every aspect of your flying career at a glance from the intuitive logbook screen. The record grid
allows you to view your flights including any user defined time columns for quick analysis with selected record
details displaying just below the grid. The currency detail shows when medical privileges expire, when your
next flight review is due, day VFR, night VFR, IFR currency, and when your last flight was. The total summary to the
right of your logbook grid shows the last time you logged in, number of flight records, daytime summary, nighttime summary,
and grand totals. The status bar at the bottom of the logbook screen keeps you informed of the current date, current time,
user defined field time, who you are logged in as, and the data connection detail and status.
Flight Entry Screen

Adding, updating, and deleting flight records is quick and easy with a single screen. The flight date can be entered in by
typing the date or selected by using your mouse with it's drop down calendar. When adding a flight record, the autocomplete
log entry already has your default aircraft and airport values set based on last entered flight, for those converting paper logbooks
by hand, or the most recent flight date by simply setting your logbook configuration. You can also select your aircraft and airports easily by
typing in the first letters and letting the autocomplete feature complete it for you.
User Defined Currency Tracking

Each user can define individual specific currency requirements.
Maintenance Grids

Maintain aircraft, airports, users, typeratings, medicals, and other information with maintenance grids.
Date Driven Reports and Graphs

Use the date range option screen to report flights within a certain date range or all records. Set the "from" and "to" range you wish to
report and generate reports and graphs that only include the flight records you entered between those dates. You can also set
the "from" date and check the "Current Date" box and your settings will always report from your specified date to the
current date. This is handy for generating reports and graphs for the current year and all you do is set the range once!
Click here to view screenshots of the reports and graphs.
Data Connection

Select your database or create a new one from the data connection screen. You can choose between a Microsoft Access 2000
database or a MySQL database server. Enter the name of your database, database username and password, and select the file location for
the Access database or set the server settings for your MySQL database.
Import Screen

Import records from previous versions of AirLog or create your own delimited records with any text editor to import. You can
also create records with programs such as Microsoft Excel.